并不 official 的 @MakiSakai 日常私貨;
草,原來 Google AdSense 的 ads.txt 文件的意思是 Authorized Digital Sellers,一直以爲就「廣告」意思來著(
準備給博客上 AdSense 的廣告了,真是最近太窮,迫於生計。以前各種自搭服務的目的之一就是爲了簡潔,活成了自己討厭的模樣(
草,原來 Google AdSense 的 ads.txt 文件的意思是 Authorized Digital Sellers,一直以爲就「廣告」意思來著(
LinkedIn 掐中國版了,好事!微軟畢竟是在數據互通的 app 中不提供中國特供版而配合中國審查的頭號玩家,只能說這條路終究是走不下去。


https://t.me/douban_read/78613 豆瓣精选
把 6S 升了 iOS 15,絲滑無比(((
🎂 As I am turning 37, I put together a list of 3 undervalued and 7 overvalued things in life.

3️⃣ Undervalued

1. Sleep.
Sleep gives a boost to immunity, creativity and psychological well-being.

2. Nature. Nature is the environment that we are biologically designed to feel good in.

3. Solitude. Being alone offers the freedom to make spiritual and intellectual breakthroughs.

7️⃣ Overvalued

1. Big cities.
Big cities are sources of pollution, crime and noise. It's good to have access to their resources, but advisable to live outside their borders.

2. Restaurants. Restaurants offer the slowest and least efficient way to eat. Cooking at home allows for healthier diets and more control over ingredients.

3. Hot weather. Sunny weather can bring about not only a lax attitude, but also a risk of cancer and faster aging. Colder temperatures, on the contrary, clarify spirit, body and mind.

4. Fashion. The endless quest to conform with ever-changing trends is expensive and unnecessary. Focusing on comfortable clothes makes life simpler and frees space for things that matter.

5. Real estate. Buying real estate often limits one's choices and is a questionable investment. Renting gives more freedom to move and explore different locations.

6. Social media. The incessant flow of junk cluttering our minds from social media decreases our happiness and creativity. Disconnecting from these internet services is the best thing we can do on any given day.

7. Celebrity advice. Famous people often give unwarranted advice outside their fields of expertise. For all important things in life, it's best to rely on hard science and expert opinion.
又是一個因施工而破壞了拼圖的 Second Sunday......失去社交屬性的 MD 毫無靈魂,有點審美疲勞了。
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